
Every time I sit down to write my blog, I come up short. I sit down and write a paragraph or two and then I get distracted or I get tired or my brain just turns off. Most of the time, I try to plow through another paragraph. Before I even get through the first sentence I have nothing to say and no words to write. I thought it was my mind needing some rest. I thought it was time management, and I couldn’t find the time. When all the stars line up, I am still left staring at the screen. I am too quick to move on and at the same time there is always something to pull me away. What I realized, it is none of the above. I am lacking motivation. I am lacking the drive and the discipline to just write. And it is very frustrating.

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Alone Time

September was the beginning of the school year and the beginning of fall. The weather stayed warm and the sun was in full view. It felt like we got some structure of our schedules and the transitions are settling in with new ones on the horizon. Soon it will be the holiday season and the dark, cold days winter. As we get to hold onto our extended summer and ease our way into the hibernation, our mental health is in need of some investing. One that is worth both the cost and the time. We all seem to be running harder and faster, reaching farther and higher, and stretching ourselves in every direction with little time for ourselves.

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Finding Some Motivation

The sun is finally out, the days are longer and the watermelon is in season. It seems like everything is in alignment and life should be smooth sailing. It seems like motivation should be high and shit should be getting done. And yet its not. The to do list still feels heavy. Getting up in the morning still seems exhausting. The workouts definitely aren’t getting easier. And the long days can feel especially long. With everything going in the right direction, why is finding motivation so hard? It seems like we have all been waiting for this summer with so much hope and anticipation. So why does it feel like everything is a little bit tougher and a little bit slower?

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Finding Time To Be You

We spend so much time helping other people and prioritizing the things around us, so many of us fall short of actually helping ourselves. We make sure our partners are getting what they need. We make sure our kids have all of their needs met. We make sure work is taken care of. And most of us make sure we bring our good attitudes wherever we go. But at the end of the day, we fall short of taking care of ourselves. We are too exhausted and too drained to think about what we need. We are too preoccupied with the people around us to prioritize ourselves and the things that would make us the better versions of who we are.

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The Balance of Life

There are so many things to juggle in life these days. We’ve got our work and our families. We’ve got our friends and our relationships. We have current events and current affairs to keep up with. And that doesn’t include all the day to day stresses and opportunities. That doesn’t include all the day to day hopes and doubts. Life is finding it’s way back to normal, but normal seems to be a balance of overwhelming and over booking. We all seem to be adjusting to our new lives of working hard and playing harder. We live in a “do more” society that feeds the mentality of more is always better.

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A Little Is Better Than Nothing

As we reemerge from our two years of isolation, we are trying to find our way back to normal. We are seeking out relationships that have been masked and distanced. We are connecting with people far away in hopes of travel adventures. And along with all of these new found freedoms, the reality that we have taken on some not so favorable habits, can make this time feel a lot more daunting than it needs to be. For some, it might be staying in bed an extra 30 minutes, instead of getting out for an early morning workout or run. For others it might the nightly justification to have that extra glass of wine or extra dessert. And then some of us, maybe its more of all of the above and then some.

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Take a Deep Breath 

This morning I taught a class to 10 athletes in 25 degree temperatures. I can not even start to explain how awesome it is to coach a bunch of bad ass, hard core athletes. I love that they didn’t make excuses, they didn’t complain and each person was actually proud of the person next to them. Standing in that cold, I never would have known that the temperatures were well below freezing, the smiles and encouragement were something to be amazed by. They commented on the sun rise, they commented on the surroundings, but they didn’t complain, or at least if they did there was a smile behind their words.

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NextLevel Comment

The new year is here. Between quarantining and some serious snow days, my holidays lacked most celebrations and festivities. When the calendars moved into 2022, I was feeling empty and alone. The new year was just another moment in time. After a long walk and some quiet space, I was kind of tired of feeling sorry for myself. In that moment, I knew what my New Years Resolution/Goal would be. This year I am going to show gratitude more often. I definitely won’t turn into a Peloton instructor, but I can share my gratitude with the people and things around me. Because I am very grateful. I am grateful for my friendships and relationships. I am grateful for a business I love to work in. I am grateful for the places I get to go. I am grateful for the experiences I get to have. Honestly, there isn’t much in my life that I can complain about. Ok, fine, give me a girls night filled with charcuterie and champagne and I am sure I can come up with a few things.

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Let The New Year Begin

The darkest day of the year came and went. The town was lit up with Christmas trees and holiday lights. So many memories were made and so many people were seen. We ate all sorts of holiday goodness and drank our way through the season. We spent time inside with family and friends. We filled our evenings with Hallmark movies and homemade goodies. We laughed over nothing and danced for no reason. This was a season of much needed celebrations and smiles. But this holiday season has come to an end and most of us might be feeling a little sad and wistful.

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Tis The Season

Tis the season for thankfulness and abundance. Tis the season for friendships and obligations. Tis the season for stormy nights and Hallmark movies. The year is wrapping up and yet there is a slow crawl to the end. We don’t know what the holidays will look like yet, we don’t know what the future holds and we are pinned in the middle of the here and now. We have officially stepped into the threshold of the holiday season. And I think it is time we celebrate. It is time to give our quiet moments to all the people and all the chaos in our lives.

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